For those of you who frequent, the OJ Mayo story should come as no surprise. Way back when, our good friend and my former Sunday Morning Sports Talk co-host, Gregg Doyel had ESPN's story sniffed out, when he wrote this. Full disclosure, was the first to remember.
I have no idea if Mayo is cupable or not. But trouble seems to trail this guy, back to the two years he spent playing basketball for North College Hill High School in Cincinnati.
As for our under-achieving Reds, always some good fodder available in "The Real McCoy", penned daily by Hall Of Fame baseball writer, Hal McCoy in the Dayton Daily News. The Reds may be only 7.5 games out of first. But they're light-years away from being a contender.
One of our favorite guests on Sports Rock!, Sunday nights at 11:35 on WLWT Channel 5, is sports-trubadour Ryan Parker. Here's his latest lament, about the death of sports journalism. Like all of Parker's songs, it's wickedly funny and right on the old dinero.