Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Things couldn't be different on and off the field for the Cincinnati Bengals. Eight wins on the field, eight arrests off.

It's so bad now, the NFL Commissioner has weighed in. In an interview with the national writer for the Associated Press, Roger Goodell said Tuesday night "Obviously when you have incidents that don't reflect well on the National Football League, you have to deal with that aggressively. Our players and coaches are seen at a higher level by the public."

Goodell says he called Mike Brown Monday, after cornerback Deltha O'Neal was arrested early Saturday on an alleged DUI. Goodell says he told the Bengals owner that he'd do anything he could to help Brown fix the situation. But the new commissioner left know doubt that he's laid down the law to Brown.

Goodell has particular reason to be peeved. Less than three months ago, on a stop in Cincinnati he spoke to the entire team about the proper conduct off the field. That was after Chris Henry's four arrests, Odell Thurman's four game suspension for flunking several drug or alcohol tests and after five other Bengals had off the field scrapes with the local law. Five days after Goodell's talk, Thurman drove into a check point and was picked up DUI. He's currently serving a year long suspension.

Just published tonight on my web site, www.kenbroo.com is the latest Broo View podcast. You can find it on the menu bar's "Podcasts & More".
